Love Heals the World

Love is patient.
Love is kind.
Love is happy.
Love is forgiving.
Love is soothing.
Love feels good.
Love is free.
Love heals the world.
When you give love, you receive love. Relationships are true reflections of you. Take a look at your behavior, if you are not acting out of love you'll see it. Learn to love, love unselfishly, love unconditionally, love even when it doesn't feel good.
Everyone needs love, and some need more than others. As you grow you can ignore negativity and love regardless. If you only give love, it has to return to you. Don't spend the rest of your life treating others bad because they treated you bad or attempting to hurt someone because they hurt you. Stand up and show love. Heal the world with love...
~Karlyn LeBlanc.



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