Turn Your Back on Negativity

A feeling is just that, a feeling, you don't have to digest it. You have the ability to change your current situation into a pleasurable emotion. Negativity masked as jealousy and envy is thrown at us all day everyday and it will never stop. Why should you catch it and swallow it? If you continue to devour bad things you'll reek despair, disappointment, weakness, sadness, and ultimately feel like a huge failure. 
If you want to be happy it's time to rebuke all the toxins inside your body. Eliminate the negativity, don't consume it. Take your power back and walk around free from pain. Don't take on the problems of others; learn to keep your mouth closed and your back turned. Those bad calories they possess will load you down and destroy you.

Choose peace and incorporate greatness. Say no to the bad and yes to the good. Remember, you are in control of you, be the positive change agent in your life. Rebuke all that is negative and consume happiness. Take your magic wand, turn everything harmful into something desirable. Be free as you walk around with a belly full of love, peace, prosperity, compassion, success, wisdom, and joy.

~Karlyn LeBlanc, LMSW
Empower yourself and join a chapter of Dinner with Divas


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I love this article. Your analogy to the consumption of negativity as if you're digesting food is a clear reflection of what happens when you entertain negativity. And, I am glad to highlight negativity as an emotion that can changed. Perfect Message!

    1. Thank you Terrell, I love your feedback. You motivate me.

  3. Waking up to a positive message was just what I needed. Thanks for the words of empowerment. Be blessed and continue to be a blessing to others.~Deb

    1. Thank you! Empowering one woman at a time.
      www.The LoveLeMenu.com

  4. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  5. We are what we eat.....garbage in garbage out....negativity in, negativity out....Keep it coming.....I'm eating up all of this wisdom.


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