The Love I Took for Granted

The Love I took for granted. I thought it would always be around. I allowed my ego to inflate, interchanging kindness for lust. Refusing to give love, selfishly pleasing myself instead of taking time to love back. The Love I took for granted.

The Love I took for granted. Now that it's gone, I miss it. I foolishly thought it would stick around. It warned me, but I was sitting on my throne refusing to believe that anyone would leave me. The Love I took for granted.

The Love I took for granted. I treated it bad. I showed no respect. I was too afraid to be vulnerable. Too worried about my macho image, wanting no one to see me love. The Love I took for granted.

The Love I took for granted. Why did I fall asleep on it? Why didn't I cherish it? It loved me unconditionally. It made me smile. It was a crazy love, I have to admit, but now that its gone I miss it. The Love I took for granted.

Appreciate the unique Love in your life. Listen to their needs, wants, and desires. Learn to compromise. Remember, emotions change by the minute and everyone moves on when "Love" no longer feels good. Never take Love for granted.
~Karlyn LeBlanc


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