Dinner with Divas Maryland Retreat

Are you tired? Bored? Depressed? Confused? Going through a divorce or bad break up? Mid-life crisis? Feel like you’re losing yourself? Well, it’s time to embark upon a voyage that serves to pamper, expose, ignite, and nourish your soul. Enjoy the euphoria of likeminded women, while gathering together to inspire and uplift one another.

Ladies, come take a delightful journey with the Love Le Menu team at our “I love me” retreat on April 1-3, 2016 in Annapolis, Maryland. Enjoy a time of relaxation, sight-seeing, shopping, cruise on the Chesapeake Bay, and fine dining. This is the perfect time to treat yourself to a fun filled getaway and receive the benefits of sisterhood.

Our staff consists of licensed therapists, motivational speakers, certified teachers, authors, poets, and fashion consultants. The goals are to relieve nervous tension that daily life places on our shoulders, provide a sabbatical, refresh, and create a new you. If you have ever attended any of our venues, then you are aware of the energy, laughter, pure fun, and cohesiveness these events generate. You will leave invigorated, connected, encouraged, empowered and able to face day to day life.



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