Longterm Relationship Jitters

Is true love a fairy tale? Do I have to fake the funk the rest of my life? Am I with the right one? Is he/she my soul mate? These are the questions that many people ask themselves who have been in long-term relationships or marriages.

I don't like him/her anymore, is a common response. I want to feel passionate about my mate. I want to feel warm and tingly when he/she comes around. And, I just don't feel that way anymore is another familiar statement.

Everyone wants to feel loved and an enormous amount of attention is needed in intimate relationships. Don't you want to feel special? Ego's want and need to be stroked with kind, delicate, caressing words; phrases that build your lover up. Worldly stresses are inevitable at times, but your partner is supposed to be a safe haven, the person you run to for comfort. So show your loved one you care: spend time with them, be compassionate, tune into their feelings, go back to the way things were in the beginning. Remember, the way you stole your lover's heart is the way you keep it. Don't let the flames dwindle down in your intimate relationship.

~Karyn LeBlanc


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