Dinner with Divas Book Scholarship

Love Le Menu Dinner with Divas Book Scholarship

Dinner with Divas would like to ease the burden of college life by offering deserving females a book scholarship. The scholarship will support a female student enrolled in an accredited university in the United States. Scholarships in range from $200 to $600 will be presented to recipients during the annual Divas event in September.

- Minimum 3.0 GPA
- Black Female
- Full-time student enrolled at accredited university

Essay Topic:  Typed 2-3-page essay, double spaced with the topic being “What does women empowerment mean to you as a black woman?”

Supporting Materials

An official high school or college transcript

A cover letter

A 2-3-page essay  

Two letters of recommendation

The deadline to apply and submit supporting materials for the Love Le Menu Dinner with Divas Book Scholarship is Saturday, May 26, 2018, by 5:00pm EST. For more information or to apply go to www.lovelemenu.com or email info@lovelemenu.com


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