
Showing posts from 2017

What are Happy Healing Bath Bombs & Sand?

My daughter started a discussion with me about creating and owning a business. She said she wanted to start selling bath bombs. As an entrepreneur myself, I absolutely encouraged the idea. The thought occurred to market to individuals like me, people who are into natural healing, sensitive skin issues, stressed, the small black business owner, the person looking for true happiness. Words started jumping out at me. Organic! Natural! Relaxing! Healing! Happy! Our bath bomb must have all of these components. I could never use the mainstream market of bath bomb products from stores or any other bath product for that matter. As so evolved Organic Happy Healing Bath Bombs, for the woman who is sensitive down there. And the therapist in me envisioned individuals healing inside and out at bath time as they soaked their problems and ailments away. A prescription for relaxation, “me time,” meditation, an aromatherapy get away.   So we researched products and gathered the finest inte...

The Diva Code

What every woman needs to know: 1. Don't allow your girl to do too much. If a man is treating her less than a queen. Inform her, she'll get mad, but she'll love you in the end. 2. Give your girl fashion feedback. If she looks a mess tell her in a nice way and offer a solution. 3. Inform any woman if her hygiene isn't at 100. That includes breath & body odor. Again, she may get angry, but she'll appreciate you later. 4. Push the divas in your circle to exercise with you. Why? It's healthy and everyone should ... look good and fit. 5. Support your girls no matter what. Never allow a man to belittle them in your presence or in private. Speak up & protect your fellow queens. 6. If a woman is intoxicated and moving too free, make her have a seat. She'll thank you in the morning, no one wants to give those goodies away on the 1st drunk night. 7. If a man is trying to date several women in your crew, you have the duty to tell. He needs to have re...

Stop Calling People Bipolar

Why are so many people using the word Bipolar? "He's Bipolar. Girl, she's Bipolar." Did you know Bipolar is depression? It's nothing to joke about. When a person has this disorder their emotions rollercoaster between happy and sad (up and down), mostly down. Bipolar disorder, also known as bipolar affective disorder, is defined as a mental disorder characterized by periods of elevated mood and periods of depression. The elevated mood is significant and is known as mania or hypomania depending on the severity or whether there is psychosis. During mania a person feels or acts unrealistically happy, energetic, or irritable. They often make poor decisions without thinking about the consequences. The need for sleep is usually minimized. During periods of depression a person may experience crying spells, can't look others in the eye, and their whole outlook on life is negative. In addition, the risk of harm to themselves and others...

Are you living for you?

In life we are always doing things because its the right thing to do. We are not following our gut feeling or operating from our wants and desires. We put the other person first, sacrificing our true aspirations. Learn to do you. Practice being selfish. For once in your life do what you really want to do, forget about society. We're adults, no one will spank or punish us for not doing something. In addition, understand if you don't do it from a honorable stance your action will not be blessed (done in vain). Let me tell you about a lady. Her family wanted her to ride out of town with them, however she didn't want to go. The lady loathed the place they wanted her to visit. That place bought her nothing but bad memories and pain. They begged and pleaded, "Come on. Get out the house. You need to see your family. You have to visit out home town.  Let's go. You'll have fun." Her gut told her to stay. She had no desire to travel, but ...

Take your Life Back & Live for You

  Hey you! Yes, you! When will you start to live? I see you being wife, mother, and that lady at work, but when will you do something for you? The smile on your face is fake, and there's no sparkle in your eyes.  Have you loss you in the midst of pleasing others?   I hope you realize God only gives us one life to live. What are you waiting for? You're not young as you use to be, but you're still a bad chic I have to admit.  Waiting for someone to die or are you waiting for someone to leave you? People depart your presence without notice and if you're sacrificing your happiness for someone else I advice you to wake up. Your life is yours. It was given to you to live, and live happily. You better stop turning down your chances at true happiness.   Don't live with regrets. You don't want to be that old wrinkled lady sitting on the porch saying I wish... Experience life while your still young, healthy, and able to enjoy...

Is my Friend Narcissistic?

Why am I always giving? Some people make me feel like they're better than me and deserve to be catered to 24-7. These individuals are always taking and giving nothing in return. Could I be talking about people with a Narcissistic personality disorder?   Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which one has an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of feelings (empathy) for others. But behind their mask of grandiose lies a weak and low self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism. A narcissistic personality disorder has destructive behavior in personal relationships, work and/or school environment and financial matters. The person usually becomes unhappy and disappointed when their not catered to or rewarded with special favors and gifts they believe they deserve. To be diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder one must meet 5 or mo...

The Love I Took for Granted

The Love I took for granted. I thought it would always be around. I allowed my ego to inflate, interchanging kindness for lust. Refusing to give love, selfishly pleasing myself instead of taking time to love back. The Love I took for granted. The Love I took for granted. Now that it's gone, I miss it. I foolishly thought it would stick around. It warned me, but I was sitting on my throne refusing to believe that anyone would leave me. The Love I took for granted. The Love I took for granted. I treated it bad. I showed no respect. I was too afraid to be vulnerable. Too worried about my macho image, wanting no one to see me love. The Love I took for granted. The Love I took for granted. Why did I fall asleep on it? Why didn't I cherish it? It loved me unconditionally. It made me smile. It was a crazy love, I have to admit, but now that its gone I miss it. The Love I took for granted. Appreciate the unique Love in your life. Listen to their needs, wants, and desires. Le...

Love Heals the World

Love is patient. Love is kind. Love is happy. Love is forgiving. Love is soothing. Love feels good. Love is free. Love heals the world. When you give love, you receive love. Relationships are true reflections of you. Take a look at your behavior, if you are not acting out of love you'll see it. Learn to love, love unselfishly, love unconditionally, love even when it doesn't feel good. Everyone needs love, and some need more than others. As you grow you can ignore negativity and love regardless. If you only give love, it has to return to you. Don't spend the rest of your life treating others bad because they treated you bad or attempting to hurt someone because they hurt you. Stand up and show love. Heal the world with love... ~Karlyn LeBlanc.  

I Love Me Retreat 2017

Bio: Karlyn LeBlanc is a native of Chicago, Illinois. She currently resides in the Atlanta, Georgia area. Karlyn obtained her Bachelor degree from Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge and her Masters from Tulane University in New Orleans. Her career began as licensed master social worker where she spent twelve years counseling patients, supervising master level social workers, and facilitating support groups.   In addition, she’s a bestselling author of two published books, a motivational speaker, therapist, and the CEO/owner and founder of several small businesses.   Her goal is to empower women to live life to the fullest and constantly seek self-love. Abstract: Karlyn is the organizer and coordinator of the “I love me” retreat. The venue is designed to foster growth embedded in empowerment activities, build self-esteem, and teach women how to love themselves inside and out in a fun, invigorating environment. Feedback from people: “You have shown me new way...

Who Said You Can't Travel with Women?

At first glance, the “I Love Me” retreat in Maryland may have looked like we partied and ate the whole time, but that is not true. It is simply part of a therapeutic approach that founder and Licensed Master Social Worker, Karlyn LeBlanc and her team takes as opposed to more formal methods. She believes women need a venue to relax, eat, drink, and vent; a safe haven to escape the stress of everyday life.   The first day, participants took part in a spa day, receiving facials, manicures, and pedicures; one lucky guest, Irma Bickham even received a full MAC makeover and fashion consult. Later that evening we ate with the Maryland Dinner with Divas chapter at Mo’s Seafood, where the food was amazing. I had the best crab cakes ever, not to mention the cocktails, one called, “Obama” really tickled my fanny. Our vent session was enlightening and many shared the problem of not being able to say, no. Others talked about how they were the happiest they’d ever been in life. Interestin...

Are your Shoes Empowering?

How do you feel when you slide into a nice pair of high heels? Your shoes are empowering. You're standing tall, your legs look amazing, your outfit pops, and you feel sexy. Fancy shoes give you that extra boost of energy as you sway and prance about. You look good and yes, you feel good. A great big smile plasters your face as you showcase that awesome woman called you. Those heels work your calves and they add major class to anything you put on your body. Hasn't he told you to take everything off except the heels? Well, yes, sexy heels are a worthy investment, because they don't care if you gained or loss too much weight. Those babies look good no matter what. So when you go shopping for your next pair of shoes, select a very high heel, something sexy, nice, expensive, and fit for a queen.