I want to be FREE

I grabbed hold of the cold steel bars and I looked out.
"I want to be FREE!" I screamed. "I've been locked up for too long."
I imprisoned myself at a young age. Went from one ruler to another.
And now it's time for me to go. I can't stand being controlled.
"I want to be FREE!"

There are so many places to see, so many things I could be.
"I want to be FREE!" I screamed. "I've been locked up for too long."
I don't want anyone telling me what to do or where to go.
I'm my own person, a grown-up, not a child. I'm not your property.
"I want to be FREE!"

This fool is parenting me. Telling me what to wear and how to do my hair.
"I want to be FREE!" I screamed. "I've been locked up for too long."
What contract did I sign? I don't remember the big "X" by the black line.
I graduated from high school and went straight to a cell. Am I living my life in hell?
"I want to be FREE"

Life is what you make it. No one should ever control your body, mind or soul.
Do what brings you joy, you're your own boss.
Free yourself!
~ LeBlanc


  1. They're so many people who are living their lives in bondage, but I refuse. I have always been a free spirit and will continue to be.


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