Take your Life Back & Live for You

Hey you! Yes, you! When will you start to live? I see you being wife, mother, and that lady at work, but when will you do something for you? The smile on your face is fake, and there's no sparkle in your eyes. Have you loss you in the midst of pleasing others? I hope you realize God only gives us one life to live. What are you waiting for? You're not young as you use to be, but you're still a bad chic I have to admit. Waiting for someone to die or are you waiting for someone to leave you? People depart your presence without notice and if you're sacrificing your happiness for someone else I advice you to wake up. Your life is yours. It was given to you to live, and live happily. You better stop turning down your chances at true happiness. Don't live with regrets. You don't want to be that old wrinkled lady sitting on the porch saying I wish... Experience life while your still young, healthy, and able to enjoy...