I Love who I See

Do you want to re-create you? Re-invent you? Make you over? Well, its time for change.
Everyday we look in the mirror and we complain about the person who stands before us.
I'm too short... I'm too tall...I'm too stout...I'm too skinny...my nose is too big...my thighs jiggle..
I have three stomachs...my hair is a mess...my skin is blemished...I'm too dark...I'm too light...and I'm not pretty or handsome, are amongst the many self criticizing statements made daily.

Let me be the first to challenge you to change your way of thinking.
The first step is to be happy with who you are. Start by loving the things you hate.
Stand in the mirror naked, and kiss your flaws goodbye.
Replace your negative remarks with positive uplifting affirmations.
For example, instead of saying, "I'm fat," state, "I'm the most sexy, voluptuous woman alive."
You've got to do the work from inside.
When you change your perception of you everything else will fall right into place.
Remember you are your biggest self-critic and if you don't love yourself who will?

Our mission at Love Le Menu is for individuals to love themselves, feeling comfortable in the skin they’re in. If you put yourself on a pedestal others will. Learn to cater to you.
When you please yourself you can please others. Always remember, self fulfillment begins within.

Exercise, eat right, rest, and live a happy, stress free life for you…


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