Is fear whipping your ass?

Is fear whipping your ass like a wind storm? Are you hiding behind fear? Is fear a shield stopping you from greatness or is it a brick wall keeping you away from happiness. An obstacle puts a temporary halt on everything until we figure out how to get around, over, or knock it down. This thing called fear lingers around making our lives miserable, we're a hostage to it. So I ask you, what's the worst thing that could happen if you didn't have fear? If fear didn't exist what would you do? Fear is bondage; it keeps us locked up from the free world. It's like a leather whip lashing us to stay away from success; a chain around our ankles, hands, and necks restraining us from our true destiny. Fear is black tape plastered on our mouths filtering our words, taking away our freedom to speak. Fear is of the devil, it's evil, negative, dark, and angry; we tip toe around it scared and intimidated. Fear makes us weak. It pushe...