Thankful Thursday-How to implement gratitude and grow...

Another part of gratitude is giving. When you can give without expecting anything in return you are truly displaying gratitude. When you give it comes back to you, your blessings triple. Try doing some of these simple acts of kindness: 1)Pay for someones meal at McDonald's. 2)Leave a huge tip after dinner. 3)Hold the door open for a stranger. 4)Give compliments. 5)Smile and offer comforting words. 6)Pay the toll for a stranger behind you in line. 7)Pay for someones groceries. 8)Buy lunch for a friend or stranger. 9)Send someone a drink. 10)Buy a friend their favorite candy bar or chips. 11)Tell everyone you appreciate them and incorporate thanking individuals in advance. Implement gratitude in your life and watch success implant itself on you. Happy Thanksgiving! ~Karlyn LeBlanc