I'm an Angry Black Woman

I'm an angry black woman. And many wonder why? Could it be My mother and father divorced when I was three. My dad was a drunk who abused my mom, but didn't harm me. A man so weak he couldn't hold his own. Should the list go on? My dad didn't put me on a pedestal and call me his little princess. He didn't protect me nor fight my battles. I'm an angry black women. I had to scream loud and tell everyone to get out my way. I had to wrap my own arms around me and say you'll be okay. I'm an angry black woman. I'm battling this world all on my own. No role model showed me how things should really be done. I'm an angry black woman. I didn't get any "I love you' s". No hugs. No affirmations of beauty to enrich my soul. I'm an angry black woman. I hurt every man I see. I break each one down and nibble at their flaws. I show him no respect Giving a tongue lashing every cha...