What are Happy Healing Bath Bombs & Sand?

My daughter started a discussion with me about creating and owning a business. She said she wanted to start selling bath bombs. As an entrepreneur myself, I absolutely encouraged the idea. The thought occurred to market to individuals like me, people who are into natural healing, sensitive skin issues, stressed, the small black business owner, the person looking for true happiness. Words started jumping out at me. Organic! Natural! Relaxing! Healing! Happy! Our bath bomb must have all of these components. I could never use the mainstream market of bath bomb products from stores or any other bath product for that matter. As so evolved Organic Happy Healing Bath Bombs, for the woman who is sensitive down there. And the therapist in me envisioned individuals healing inside and out at bath time as they soaked their problems and ailments away. A prescription for relaxation, “me time,” meditation, an aromatherapy get away. So we researched products and gathered the finest inte...